Saturday, January 28, 2012


I'm amazed that some people still blame the West whenever issues of morality are raised. Matter of fact, I'm not amazed. I'm merely find it muy amusing.

Of the many stories my father tells me - many of them so repeatedly I can almost recite them verbatim - one fits this occasion.

My father told me of his father, my grandfather. My father told me that once before, his already married father chanced upon a girl, and like David with Bathsheba, he became seized with the urge to possess her. Nowadays, that possession may mean merely to engage in flagrante delicto with and dump, whilst compensating for the act materially. Then, it meant forceful marriage. This girl had a man nearer her age she was in love with, and looked to marry. Wait for the catch

My father told me it was the practice then, to collude with such a girl's father, to commit what I can only term as a dastardly act of utmost selfishness. My father told me that his father colluded with the girl's father, and it was decided that my father's father hire strappling men, who would be today's equivalent of bouncers, bodyguards, or your random street touts. My father's father had the girl waylaid, abducted and brought to his abode. This girl in question would never step out the out until her belly was protruding enough to deter the most "in-love" of young men. Even without the deterrence, the protruding belly meant certain marriage to the old fart, no apologies to my father's father or the numerous fathers of fathers who partook in this practice.

The West did not bring moral perversion on us, we were creative enough for that by ourselves! After all, we slaughtered twins, cannibalized, offered human sacrifices long before the first pointy-nosed European thought we may have been fertile ground. Our women dressed in leaves that left so much to the imagination, were raped on their ways to the stream or the farm. Hell, we even sold ourselves into slavery for a mirror, a fucking mirror! Did we complain? Hell no!

Truth is, humans everywhere have perversions in them, no matter the spatial location, no matter the colour. Stop this nonsense of blaming the West for your morals. You can blame them for a lot of things, like starting world wars for instance (I didn't hear of any fighting in the Antarctica, mind), or finding more creative ways to be morally bankrupt. But remember this, it's in you.

Idi-Amin could have started a world war, if he had been born in the right place.

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1 comment:

  1. absolutely on point! liked the part around the end where the Peak slogan was used. for real, "it's in you"...yes, You, reading right now.


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