Monday, August 27, 2012


Okupe handing Abati roaring lessons
Dr Reuben Abati would have made Nas proud. Nas is the American rapper, just in case you were wondering. ““THEY” in this piece refers to all the cynics, the pestle-wielding critics, the unrelenting, self-appointed activists, the idle and idling, twittering…”

Well, he is done hauling his own rocks at Nigerians exercising their fundamental human rights in demanding better. The coast appears to be clear to haul the stone he says we should hold. Unlike Dr Abati, I’ve spent the last 6 months ignoring the “Jonathan question”. I figured we were all just nattering, and that there were a lot of natterers. One less cynical, twittering natterer would slip by unnoticed. And so it was. But now, I’ve decided to fetch my pestle - the one we don’t have to pound yam with anymore – from the backyard. It’s moldy but it’ll do the job of pounding humans well enough. I do not have a lot of pounding to do, as the “facts” Dr Abati presents or neglects to present in his missive can hardly bear scant empirical examination, not to talk of the type I was required to carry out as an undergraduate in Dr Shittu’s lab in the Department of

Friday, August 17, 2012


Comedy by its nature is irreverent. Comedy can poke fun without being offensive; comedy can be racist without anyone being outraged; comedy can be anything and will get away with it. The practitioners of comedy are noted for observing society and making a mockery of issues and humans, from behind a bulletproof glass-covered pulpit of humour. Comedians are by nature disrespectful, because a respectful comedian would be politically correct and frankly, if you’re a politically correct comedian, you’re in the wrong job.